Saturday 2 March 2013

Anyone for Tea?

I've been reminded this evening that I haven't updated this in a good while; partly due to coursework, and mostly due to the car boot sales here being closed over the colder months...I don't blame them, even I struggle going when its as cold and wet as it has been!

But, I still have time to pop to the local charity shops now and then!  The RSPCA shop in Dorchester always seems to have the most beautiful jewellery...and some genuinely lovely staff.

How beautiful are these ceramic coffee, tea & sugar jars!?  Loving them, and at £5 for the set, I think them a real bargain! :)
See, this is my earring haul of late, all bar one from the RSPCA.  The three pairs on right are 925 silver...the lot cost about £20.  I wish I had more ears...